Over the years, with regard to the best registry fix software available, she has only made two recommendations that I am aware of, both of which became regular advertisers on her nationally syndicated talk radio show.Īlthough there are several other software utilities on the market which are more than adequate in handling registry repair issues, it becomes an unintended matter of competition if more than one product at a time is advertised on a nationally recognized talk show host's radio program. Therefore she personally (or otherwise) tests and uses each product first before making any commitment to allowing advertisement of that product on any of the media connected with her name.
Komando is not in the habit of recommending lame or useless products on her radio show or website for obvious reasons. affiliated radio stations per week, has touted and advertised a couple of registry fix utilities over the years, so there is no excuse for someone not having valid information on which to take an educated decision. Nationally recognized computer expert, Kim Komando, whose radio program reaches more than 450 U.S. There are several legitimate software developers who have been in the registry repair industry since the beginning of the Windows operating system usage.
Finding a reliable registry cleaner doesn't need to be time-consuming or difficult.